Your inventory control valuation is the life blood of your Company.  Sure, you can see it, touch it, count it, and measure it, but you have inventory everywhere.  It’s on your factory floor, divided into three vaults, at a cold storage in Philly, out at a trade show, and waiting to be picked up in shipping.  Trying to keep track of it all is hard enough, so how much is your inventory really worth?

Bourget & Associates can help you figure that out, and help you improve your systems and controls to manage and control quantities, costs and values.  We know that getting your arms around your inventory may appear to be a difficult task.  However, our experienced staff thrives in identifying and solving inventory related challenges, and excels in determining accurate inventory values quickly and efficiently, no matter the industry.

Understanding and controlling inventories can be very frustrating for owners and lenders alike, but our inventory valuation procedures will ensure that the inventory pledged to the bank is reported accurately.  We make sure that the proper controls are in place so that you and your lender can rely on monthly reporting.

We want to help you make sure your inventory is accurate and that it’s worth what you think it is.  Call us today.